This photo actually isn't wedding related at all.  A charity event had volunteers manning posts for crowd control, when one of the volunteers started peeking around the corner, prior to teasing the volunteer on the other side of the door.

I immediately thought of a wedding scenario where a bride or attendant would "sneak a peak" to make sure the coast was clear before emerging.The black and white lends itself suitably to a wedding esthetic. 

Click on the link below for a colllection of favorites from a groom's photo session. Such an incredible bunch of lads to hang around with in the morning, and an incredible couple. No shortage of laughter, and a few "gangsta" moves!   Photo stills to follow.

Buhle and Ben - July 27, 2012

"SPENCER" - Had to get him into the photos somehow too.

Very apt saying, given the circumstances - brother of the groom.

"Groom, look at your groomsmen" - I think the groom was afraid of what he would see.
